Custom AirNow Maps - Technical Reference


URL Variables for the Interactive Map

Virtually all items that can be controlled on the map manually can also be controlled using URL variables. Below are the URL variables, brief definitions, and accepted values.

Alphabetical Listing

  • archivedates: selects an archive date to display. It accepts dates in mm/dd/yyyy format.
  • basemap: selects a specific map (i.e., the background map). It accepts the following values: imagery, grey, natgeo, streets, terrain, topographic.
  • boundaries: shows specific boundary types within the map. It accepts the following values: tribal, nps, county. You may specify multiple borders/values using the "/" separator (e.g.,"boundaries=county/tribal/nps").
  • contours: activates a specific contour layer. It accepts the following values: ozonepm, ozone, pm, p25, pm10, none.
  • forecastcontours: activates a specific forecast contour layer. It accepts the following values: forecasttoday, forecasttomorrow, none.
  • forecastmonitors: activates a specific forecast monitor layer. It accepts the following values: forecasttoday, forecasttomorrow, none.
  • monitors: activates a specific monitor layer. It accepts the following values: ozonepm, ozone, pm, p25, pm10, none.
  • showgreencontours: determines whether to display the green parts of the contour layers. It accepts the following values: true, false. 
  • showlegend: determines whether the legend is displayed. It accepts the following values: yes, no. 
  • tab: activates the specified tab. Only one tab can be activated at a time. Tab accepts the following values: current, forecast, loops, archive.
  • xmax: one of four variables defining the boundaries of the Interactive Map (using the Web Mercator standard). Xmax defines the east / right border of the map.
  • xmin: one of four variables defining the boundaries of the Interactive Map (using the Web Mercator standard). Xmin defines the west / left border of the map.
  • ymax: one of four variables defining the boundaries of the Interactive Map (using the Web Mercator standard). Ymax defines the north / top border of the map.
  • ymin: one of four variables defining the boundaries of the Interactive Map (using the Web Mercator standard). Ymin defines the south / bottom border of the map.